About Sustainable Precision System App

SPS is an all-encompassing tool supporting daily management.

Sustainable Precision System (SPS) is a Trace & Save developed mobile app, with the aim to support farmers with day-to-day farm management. Trace & Save is passionate about sustainable agriculture and developed this app as a tool to support farmers towards this goal. By incorporating the use of precision systems and with multiple data integration, SPS allows farmers to obtain camp specific insights, supporting precision agriculture, efficient grazing management and optimal water and nutrient management. SPS links to Fourth Q, the Trace & Save database and has the ability to link to different APIs*, for example, satellite biomass measurement (e.g., Cropsmonitor pasture biomass model), water meter telemetry (e.g., ATOM), weather data and cow trackers.

*Note: An application programming interface (API) is a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other. This allows for the automatic uploading of data from various sources to the SPS database.


Easily capture data 
on your mobile phone



Enhance farm management

Increase productivity and efficiency

Support sustainability and regenerative practices


Pasture Utilization management
Irrigation management
pasture management
Soil Report
API capability


Complete SPS Package

*price per farm

What's included:
Pasture Reports
Capture Farm Walk, grazing, rainfall, irrigation
Weekly Pasture Reports
Capture Team Data
Back Calculation and utilisation reports
Weekly irrigation report

Don’t Need All The Features? Build Your Own Package Below

Basic plan

*price per farm

What's included:
Pasture Reports (per paddock and per farm)
Capture and display events per paddock (e.g., grazing, irrigation, fertiliser and pesticide application)
Capture farm walk and rainfall
Milk production and feed efficiency report (per farm)
Pasture biomass and cow location on map
Pasture Back Calculation

*price per farm

What's included:
Capture Team Data
Pasture utilisation (back) calculation and report
Milk production and feedback efficiency report (per team)
Irrigation Report

*price per farm

What's included:
Weekly irrigation report
Additional Users

* R20 per feature/ per user / per month

What's included:
Add additional users at set monthly rates based on the features you sign up for.*
Soil Report

*price per farm

Free for farmers who work with Trace & Save - enquire about Trace & Save soil sampling and reporting

What's included:
Per Camp Soil Reports
Soil levels displayed on map (per soil health indicator)